Carolina Cooker® Outdoor Cooking Tripod, 48 In.
On your next camping trip or outdoor cooking event, use this Carolina Cooker® campfire cooking tripod with your cast iron cookware. This tripod cooker measures 48 in. long and works great with stew pots or dutch ovens. A 2 ft. chain is included with an S hook for hanging your cast iron pot over coals or campfire. The cooking tripod will support up to 50 lbs.
Carolina Cooker® Outdoor Cooking Tripod
Length: 48 In.
Chain: 24 in.
Includes carrying case with Carolina Cooker® logo
Tripod will support up to 50 lbs.
Great for cast iron cooking over a campfire
Tripod cooker with carrying case
On your next camping trip or outdoor cooking event, use this Carolina Cooker® campfire cooking tripod with your cast iron cookware. This tripod cooker measures 48 in. long and works great with stew pots or dutch ovens. A 2 ft. chain is included with an S hook for hanging your cast iron pot over coals or campfire. The cooking tripod will support up to 50 lbs.
Carolina Cooker® Outdoor Cooking Tripod
Length: 48 In.
Chain: 24 in.
Includes carrying case with Carolina Cooker® logo
Tripod will support up to 50 lbs.
Great for cast iron cooking over a campfire
Tripod cooker with carrying case
On your next camping trip or outdoor cooking event, use this Carolina Cooker® campfire cooking tripod with your cast iron cookware. This tripod cooker measures 48 in. long and works great with stew pots or dutch ovens. A 2 ft. chain is included with an S hook for hanging your cast iron pot over coals or campfire. The cooking tripod will support up to 50 lbs.
Carolina Cooker® Outdoor Cooking Tripod
Length: 48 In.
Chain: 24 in.
Includes carrying case with Carolina Cooker® logo
Tripod will support up to 50 lbs.
Great for cast iron cooking over a campfire
Tripod cooker with carrying case